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Transcription of foreign civil status documents in Romanian registries

Dr I L Vlad

Welcome to! If you ever wondered what is the transcription of foreign civil status records, and how to do it, this guide is for you.

If you find the transcription process too complicated (which it is), do not hesitate to leave everything to us!

Article status: updated September 2018.

Who needs transcription?

Any Romanian citizen is obliged by law to transcribe their civil status documents obtained abroad. This means, for example:

- birth certificates of Romanian citizens born abroad;

- marriage certificates of Romanian citizens marrying abroad;

- death certificates of Romanian citizens dying abroad.

The sanction for not transcribing is that the civil status document is not otherwise recognized in Romania, meaning, for an international couple, that the Romanian citizen spouse is considered unmarried in Romania!

Transcription is not available to foreign citizens, even if they have some documents made in Romania (for example, born or married here).

Where is transcription done?

You have two options:

A. At the Romanian mission geographically competent for the place where the foreign document was issued (NOT of where you live, if different); or

B. At the town hall of the last Romanian domicile of the Romanian citizen.

Should the Romanian citizen not have had a domicile in Romania, ever, then the competent town hall is that of Bucharest, Sector 1. undertakes this process for you at the competent town hall in Romania.

Who can apply?

Birth certificates can be transcribed on the application of the titular (the child) or of either parent, before the age of 14 (of the child), even if the parent is not a Romanian citizen.

Children between 14 and 18 must apply in their own name, assisted by their parents.

Marriage certificates can only be transcribed by the Romanian citizen spouse. Please, if you are married to a Romanian citizen, ask them to contact us!

Death certificates can be transcribed on the application of any heir, even if they are not a Romanian citizen. This includes children, grandchildren, parents and spouses.

What is the result?

The result is the corresponding Romanian certificate (birth, marriage, death), and the fact that the civil status act (particularly marriage) is legally recognized in Romania.

What documents are required?

The dossier for transcription is quite large. Here are the required documents (see below).

Transcription of civil status documents (pile of papers)

Usually, between the originals, the authentic copies, and the translations, the dossier for transcription reaches epic proportions.

A. Common documents (all certificates):

a) the original foreign civil status certificate, its photocopy, and Legal Translation. can of course obtain Legal Translations for you!

The document must bear Apostille / Legalization unless otherwise exempted. Please see the Apostille & Legalization page for more information.

b) proof of Romanian citizenship of the titular. This can be a Romanian Identity Card, a Romanian Passport, a Certificate of obtaining Romanian citizenship.

c) photocopies of the other civil status certificates in the person's life (birth, marriage, death, as appropriate).

d) identity document of the applicant. This can be a foreign Passport as well.

e) declaration of the applicant that there is no other transcription of the same act in Romania.

f) any documents proving changes of name, if the name on the certificate to be transcribed is different than that in the titular's passport. If issued abroad, these documents must bear the Apostille / Legalization unless otherwise exempted.

B. Extra documents for the Birth certificate:

a) declaration from the parent requesting translation (if requested by a parent) regarding the domicile of the child, if the parents have different domiciles.

b) consent from the foreign citizen parent regarding the transcription of the birth certificate (because transcription confirms the Romanian citizenship of the child).

c) photocopy of the identity documents (Passports) of both parents.

d) photocopy of the marriage certificate of the parents, if they are married. If issued abroad, the certificate must bear the Apostille / Legalization unless otherwise exempted.

e) photocopy of the birth certificates of the parents. If issued abroad, the certificates must bear the Apostille / Legalization unless otherwise exempted.

Note: documents at letters c) - e) are required only if the child is still under 18.

C. Extra documents for the Marriage certificate:

a) declaration from both Romanian citizen spouses, or only from the Romanian citizen spouse, regarding the family name (surname) born after marriage, if this does not appear from the certificate itself.

b) photocopies of the birth certificates of the spouses. If issued abroad, the certificates must bear the Apostille / Legalization unless otherwise exempted.

c) photocopies of the identity documents (Passports) of both spouses.

d) for marriages which have taken place during or after 2011, a declaration of the law applicable to the matrimonial regime. If the applicable law is Romanian, and the chosen regime is other than legal community of assets, then a matrimonial contract is compulsory. Otherwise, a matrimonial contract can be received in lieu or in addition to the declaration.

How much does it take?

The transcription process can take up to 2-3 months.

How much does it cost?

There are no direct taxes for transcription. However, a lot of costs add up due to

-> transport to the Town Hall several times;

-> Legal Translations;

-> authentications;

-> attorney fees.

Our fees for this service, including costs, usually reach EUR 800.- to EUR 1200.- per certificate.

What about name change certificates?

If a Romanian citizen changes their name abroad, they must have this change recognized by Romanian authorities. This is a separate process, but can undertake it for you. Just write us an e-mail.

What about divorce documents?

Divorce documents must be recognized in Romania through a judicial process. We can help you with non-contentious divorces only. Just write us an e-mail.

This completes the guide to transcription of foreign civil status documents. If you are interested in us taking over this process, just contact us.

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